Final lair phantom of the opera 25th anniversary
Final lair phantom of the opera 25th anniversary

final lair phantom of the opera 25th anniversary final lair phantom of the opera 25th anniversary

She recognized him as the Phantom by his eyes. Madame Giry claims to have seen him in a freakshow in a traveling fair several years before, where it was said that he was formerly a torturer for the Shah, and that she later heard he had escaped. Adaptation Expansion: The 25th anniversary performance at the Royal Albert Hall, which features several parts of the original libretto that usually aren't performed, expands upon the Phantom's backstory, incorporating elements of it from the novel.Adaptational Nationality: Carlotta is Spanish in the book, but the musical makes her Italian.Though this is averted in the Hungarian and Finnish productions. Adaptation Dye-Job: Christine is a brunette, despite being a blonde in the novel.Given that he's supposed to be an experienced and well-reknowned opera singer, it seems odd that he can't understand simple stage instructions such as "accent on the first syllable". During the rehearsal scene in Act II, there is a bit where Piangi continually fails to understand that his line is "Those who would TAN-gle with Don Juan", not "Those who would tan-GLE with Don Juan".And in all likelihood, in her native Sweden she was known as KrisTIna.

Final lair phantom of the opera 25th anniversary